
Net Zero Tools

This page signposts a variety of resources that will be of interest to anyone working in the public sector that wants to develop net zero projects. 

If you are a public sector organisation that needs further support, please contact us for free advice

Go to net zero with help from the Net Zero Go service!

Net Zero Go helps local authorities to deliver local net zero projects by offering free access to a library of guides, articles, case studies, toolkits and datasets, alongside tailored assistance from its network of experts.
The facility is provided by Energy Systems Catapult and supported by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.
Click HERE to register for this free service.

Net Zero Go banner

Building Decarbonisation

Public Sector Decarbonisation Guidance

Public Sector Decarbonisation Guidance, developed by the Energy Systems Catapult, aims to help public sector bodies and their partners understand the best route to net zero. The Guidance seeks to enable delivery of decarbonisation projects at scale, as well as support grant funding applications, to enable rapid progress on reducing carbon emissions.

Find out more and access the Public Sector Decarbonisation Guidance

Decarbonising Public Buildings Toolkit

This toolkit, developed by regional colleagues the North East and Yorkshire Net Zero Hub, comprises a suite of 10 documents and 5 videos, to guide public sector organisations through the steps required to develop and implement a heat decarbonisation plan for their buildings, and provides practical advice on applying for Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme funding.

Access the Decarbonising Public Buildings Toolkit here

Heating for Net Zero Webinar Series – Decarbonisation of Buildings and Estates

This series of seven one-hour webinars, delivered in partnership with the Innovate UK KTN Net Zero Places Innovation Network and the Greater South East Net Zero Hub, aims to answer the most common questions from local authorities about the decarbonisation of their buildings and estates.

The events seek to help local authority officers who have responsibility for meeting net-zero targets and that want to hear how other authorities have approached their net-zero challenges. Click the button below to access the webinar recordings and listen at your convenience.

Access the Heating for Net Zero webinar series here


Net Zero Places Innovation Network

The Innovate UK KTN Net Zero Places Innovation Network aims to make Net Zero in the UK a reality, by supporting local authorities to collaborate, share lessons learned and adopt innovation.

Innovate UK KTN supports local authorities to address specific net zero challenges and save time in finding solutions to meet net zero targets. Innovate UK KTN has networks across business sectors, so can understand what solutions might be best suited to your local authority area and connect you to the right solution providers.

It’s quick, easy and FREE for local authorities to join the Net Zero Places Innovation Network. Click the button below.

Join the Net Zero Places Innovation Network

Community Engagement for Local Energy Planning

The Centre for Sustainable Energy has developed an approach to community engagement, called Future Energy Landscapes to enable local planning authorities and communities to develop ambitious energy plans and policies, while maintaining community support. The resources for running this consultation approach can be downloaded for free from the Centre for Sustainable Energy website.

Access the Future Energy Landscapes resources



Hotmaps is a FREE open-source online software that supports local authorities to set up a strategic heating and cooling plan for their area. Strategic heating and cooling planning means to develop an action plan to achieve a long-term vision of the heating and cooling supply. Click the button below to learn more and access the Hotmaps toolbox.

Access Hotmaps here


SCATTER is a FREE tool for local authorities, to measure greenhouse gas emissions and build carbon reduction plans. It is recognised by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.

Find out more and sign up to SCATTER now


Impact is a free digital visualisation tool that helps you understand your community’s carbon footprint. Developed by the Centre for Sustainable Energy, the tool helps to identify the areas where taking action to tackle climate change can make the biggest difference. Impact works for parishes, wards and local authority areas.

Access the Impact tool here

Distribution Network Operator Tools for Local Authorities

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN)  

Local Area Energy Planning: Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is supporting local authorities with the development of local area energy planning and having introductory meetings to demonstrate its LAEP+ tool. You can access an online demonstration of the planning tool being used for EV siting here. Contact to get involved.

Network Data: SSEN has a Tools and Maps website page, which provides links to network maps, GIS, demand calculators, and other materials.

Local Energy Net Zero Accelerator (LENZA) tool: LENZA is SSEN’s new geospatial planning software. The LENZA tool provides data on network constraints to inform the development of local area energy planning by local authorities and inform decisions about where to install new energy assets. Click here for more information about LENZA.

UK Power Networks (UKPN)

Your Local Net Zero Hub: UKPN has a free self-service digital planning tool, which aims to support the development of local area energy planning. See further information and sign up to the UKPN Your Local Net Zero Hub facility here.

Data for local area energy planning: Click on the following link to access UKPN’s dedicated open data page to local area energy planning. You can give UKPN feedback about what other data themes, uses cases or datasets you wish to see evolved or included here.

Sharing Net Zero Plans: UKPN shares insights and forecasts to help climate action plans via its Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) publication. The forecasts create a picture of how the energy system might look by 2050 against a range of local carbon technologies, like electric vehicles, solar and heating solutions. UKPN has developed a Share your Net Zero plans widget that allows you to choose a parameter from the Distribution Future Energy Scenarios and enter estimates of how you plan to reach your targets. Sharing your plans with UKPN will help to guide the DNO’s network investment plans to support your local decarbonisation objectives.

Connect to your Distribution Network Operator

Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) are the organisations that own and control the electricity distribution network, connecting generators,  suppliers, energy users and consumers. Those wishing to develop a local power generation project must engage with their local Distribution Network Operator about connecting their facility to the grid. DNOs are also keen to support local authorities with their net zero ambitions and local area energy planning. You can find out more on this website about how to engage with your local Distribution Network Operator and what they can do for you.

Find out more about how your DNO can help you


The Net Zero Hub has commissioned a number specialist guides to help local authorities understand and access financing options for net zero projects and to construct a robust business case. Visit our Business Models page to find out more.

If you’re a local authority based in the Greater South East region and would like further information about financing options and/or developing a business case for your net zero projects, please get in touch with us


Net Zero Go

Net Zero Go is the free online support platform provided by Energy Systems Catapult. It brings together all the tools and guidance a local authority needs to develop successful, locally-focused zero carbon projects. It is designed to help you take your net zero project from a standing start, through to building a successful business case, getting it operational, and beyond. Whether you want to start work on your first project or are aiming to deliver an entire net zero portfolio, Net Zero Go can support you. Click the button below to explore what Net Zero Go has to offer and register now for free.

Explore Net Zero Go

Climate Action Plan Explorer

The Climate Action Plans Explorer (CAPE) is a new online facility that gathers together all available local authority Climate Action Plans from across the UK. You can use the Explorer to learn from what others are doing and replicate the best ideas to work more effectively towards your climate goals. Click here to learn more about how you can use the Explorer.  Click the button below to access the Explorer.

Access the Climate Action Plan Explorer here

REMINDERS: Managing investment and delivery of energy and renewables schemes

Developed by the North West Net Zero Hub, this report is an archive of national and nationally significant resources that are relevant to the delivery of energy projects across England. It provides links to other published reports and websites, which provide materials such as sector data, industry news, other document archives and more.

The document is intended to support organisations that are making a strategic case for action and is for use by the regional net zero hubs and the public sector organisations they support. It is designed to raise awareness of best practice, funding options and enabling programmes.

Download the REMINDERS report

Local Energy Glossary

If you are new to local net zero energy projects you are likely to have come across many unfamiliar terms and acronyms. To find out what they mean, click the button below to download a glossary that has been developed to help you.

Download the local energy glossary


Retrofit Playbook

The UK Green Building Council has developed a resource for local authorities, designed to support the development of retrofit policies and initiatives. The Retrofit Playbook is accompanied by an interactive map, a live resource, which highlights leading local authority retrofit policies across the UK. Use the map to help you or to promote your own best practice.

See the Retrofit Playbook here

Local authority guide to contracting PAS 2035-compliant retrofit

Local Energy North West Hub and The Retrofit Academy have collaborated to produce a new guide that aims to help local authorities find the best way to deliver retrofit works that comply with PAS 2035.

How to contract PAS 2035-compliant retrofit - access the guide here


Transport decarbonisation: local authority toolkit

The local authority toolkit was developed by the Department for Transport and the Energy Saving  Trust. It provides guidance on planning and delivering measures to reduce carbon emissions from transport in England. The toolkit highlights the benefits of a range of approaches but encourages councils to consider only those that are appropriate to their local area and the needs of the local population. It sets out the key actions for local authorities and identifies case studies of schemes that are already delivering benefits.

The toolkit covers nine different interventions that local authorities could implement, including active travel, car clubs, freight and deliveries, and demand responsive transport. It also contains specific guidance for rural authorities on how approaches are already being successfully implemented.

Download the local authority toolkit on transport decarbonisation here

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